Week One

Day One

I have created this portfolio website and blog to showcase my progress to improve my Front End Developer fundamentals.

I spent most of the day configuring this website to host and deploy it on Github Pages.

I have also started the Foundations course from The Odin Project. Although, most of it is Review from previous experience, I felt that it is a good idea start from scratch as it is a good refresher as I may have forgotten some things I learned in the past.

Day Two

I am still going through the Foundations course. Things I did include:

  • Setting up the development environment.
    • The Odin Project uses Unix Based Operating Systems, thus I had to set up Linux Xubuntu on my Windows computer using VirtualBox.
    • Installing Google Chrome and VSCode as the primary web browser and text editor
    • Learning Command Line Basics for the Terminal
      • I spent most of the day reviewing Linux commands as I’m used to Windows

Day Three

I am almost done the Foundations course.

Things I did include:

  • Set up Git in my Linux workspace
    • Reviewed git basics
  • Completing the HTML Foundations section
    • My version of the final project Recipes
  • I also setup changing the domain of my portfolio site to mishaelmagsanoc.com

Day Four

I spent the whole day trying to complete the CSS Foundations section of The Odin Project.

I am currently on The Box Model about 1/3 of the way done.

Day Five

I was completely sidetracked today as I had errands to run but I finally finished The Box Model. Next Week, I promise that I will give my entire focus on The Odin Project.

Day Six

It’s a Saturday and I decided to be productive and continue my studies. I started the CSS Foundations section and I have almost completed it. The only thing left is to complete the Project: Landing Page exercise. As of now, I spent most of the day with theory and will most likely start it either tomorrow on Sunday, or Monday.